My Teenage Years In A Shot Glass – Flashback Friday

May 17, 2013

I was hunting through the kitchen cupboard this week and stashed at the back I discovered some long lost shot glasses. Obviously, these haven’t been used for quite some time; I think my years of shot drinking may have passed but they have seen a fair bit of use in their time! I won’t go into details, you can all use your imagination; I believe a friend bought them for me on a teenage birthday.
They will still always have a place in my kitchen cupboard as they were bought by a very good friend and they were from one of my favourite shops as a teenager. If you are from the North West you may remember Quiggin’s in Liverpool; it was like a little indoor market but in this amazingly old higgledy piggledy building with lots of cute little independent and vintage shops. I suppose it would have been an ‘alternative’ shop but so many people went there, I know my Nana loved it.  I spent many a weekend there, we used to get all sorts of things like vintage t shirts, beads, badges, patches and studded belts, candles and me and my friend used to regularly visit to have flashes of bright colour’s added to our hair; we thought we were so cool! There was a lovely little cafe in the middle of it that did the best slice of pizza, salad and coleslaw. There was also a shop that had all different glasses with little pictures painted on and I had lusted after them for a while; I was made up when I got them for my birthday. Sadly Quiggin’s was closed with all the developments in Liverpool. I believe it relocated outside the city centre.

Finding these little shot glasses has brought back so many memories, way before I was a Mum, just looking back to when I was a scruffy teenager. I haven’t got any pictures of me at the old shop but here I am at Leeds Festival 2002, and yes, I am cleaning out a teapot. Typical Northerner; that’s just how we roll.

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  • Beth

    Poor Quiggins! Eaten by bloody Liverpool One!

    May 17, 2013 at 8:09 am Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      I know, hard to even spot where it was now!

      May 20, 2013 at 8:50 am Reply
  • Mummy Daddy and Me makes Three

    I love being reminded of my teenage years- they were full of good times. It scares the hell out of me though thinking I am going to have two teenage daughters! Yikes! x

    May 17, 2013 at 1:10 pm Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      Haha, I don’t envy you! Two teenage girls…at least they will always have one another to look out for. I sometimes wonder if they will ever believe that there parents had crazy teenage years too x

      May 20, 2013 at 8:52 am Reply
  • Emma Martin

    What a great reminder, although I wouldn’t change a thing sometimes I do so miss the old days!

    Popping over from Flashback Friday

    May 17, 2013 at 5:19 pm Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      Seems like a lifetime ago, there is no way I could keep it up now!

      May 20, 2013 at 8:52 am Reply
  • Laura CYMFT

    I loved my teenage years and do wish I could go back to them sometimes. Loving the hair!

    May 17, 2013 at 6:45 pm Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      Thanks, ha, there are something I would do differently now with hindsight!

      May 20, 2013 at 8:53 am Reply
  • Mum's The Word

    I love finding things like this that have memories and remind me of days gone past. This is just lovely! I love that you take a teapot camping with you! lol. Girl after my own heart – love a good brew x

    May 18, 2013 at 1:19 pm Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      Seems like a strange thing to do but I didn’t question it at the time…such crazy teenagers we took a teapot camping, ha ha x

      May 20, 2013 at 8:54 am Reply
  • Jenny Paulin

    Awwww I love finding an object and remembering all the happy memories it evokes. Look at you with your pink ribbons in your hair (threads?) you do look young but I love that you are at a festival cleaning out a teapot xx
    Thanks for linking up x

    May 18, 2013 at 9:53 pm Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      I know! What were we thinking taking a teapot! Clearly I was an odd teenager, haha, seems like such a lifetime ago, I wonder what Lucas will make of our old pictures when he is a teenager (eek) x

      May 20, 2013 at 8:55 am Reply
  • Ashleigh

    Ah Quiggins! Both me and my boyfriend loved the old Quiggins, although we didn’t know each other then hehe! The new one(not far from Lime Street station) was never as good 🙁 xx

    May 22, 2013 at 11:06 pm Reply
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