Living Arrows 9/52

March 2, 2015


Living Arrows 9


This weekend has been all about the spots. Lucas took himself off to bed at 4.30pm on Friday, a sure sign that he is coming down with something and the chicken pox had appeared the next day. The last few days have look a lot like this, him cuddling his blanket, special teddies and watching lots of Shaun the Sheep on iPlayer. He was pretty wiped out Saturday and now is getting grumpy with the itching but he’s doing ok. I’m secretly quite looking forward to having him home from pre-school for a few days!

We’d had a lovely week too, some great school walks with lovely weather. On Thursday we went to his parents’ evening and heard all about him in school; how he is always happy to go in, sociable and plays well with the other children. Then we heard about his stubborn streak, how he is fiercely independent and knows more than he will ever show the teacher, things we already knew as he is just the same at home.

Boo and Bear have loved getting out every day for the walks and are starting to chatter more and more, they are so desperate to say things to us but it is all about ‘Dada’ at the moment. They honestly cause so much destruction in the house I don’t know what to do most of the day. They are super inquisitive and always on the go, that is why I love to get out for our walks and have a moments peace! I’m sure the dreaded spots will appear on them soon so will be a quiet few days for us all.


Living Arrows
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  • life as our little family

    I do hope the spots go soon and he starts to perk up a bit. They knocked G out for a few days. Hopefully a good does means they won’t come back. x #livingarrows

    March 2, 2015 at 5:23 pm Reply
  • You Baby Me Mummy

    As bless such a cute picture, I hope he is better soon huni xx

    March 2, 2015 at 9:52 pm Reply
  • Carie

    Oh poor wee boy – I hope he feels better soon – chickenpox is not fun at all!

    March 3, 2015 at 10:30 pm Reply
  • Alexandra @dontcallmestepmummy

    Aww poor Lucas. Hope this week is much brighter for you all. He looks very cute in this pic though #livingarrows

    March 4, 2015 at 8:21 am Reply
  • Katy {What Katy Said}

    Hope you managed to get some cream and that the spots are fading now. Such a nasty thing when they get it so young. x

    March 4, 2015 at 9:02 pm Reply
  • Sian

    Ah poor boy! Hope he is well now. Gorgeous blanket too.

    March 4, 2015 at 10:10 pm Reply
  • Kat | Beau Twins

    What a gorgeous picture! Poor little love, but sounds like he got all the best kind of nursing needed. Hee hee – who is stubborn then? he girls are too, Matt and I are both but more so me. Sounds like such wonderful days you are having – do you use reigns when out? xxxx

    March 5, 2015 at 6:11 pm Reply
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