Welcome to Hayley From Home.
This blog is all about my love of books, stationery, bullet journalling with a bit of family life and travel thrown in too. Everything is written by myself from a little home in the North West of England where I live with my husband and three boys.
I have been lucky enough to review some fantastic books, items and experiences; all my reviews are relevant to me and my family. I have good coverage on a range of social media channels with an engaged audience.
Please email me at hayleyfromhome@gmail.com to get in touch.
You can also say Hi on Twitter & Instagram

I always disclose if I have been working with a brand on a post or sent an item to review. I do use affiliate links. For more information please see my Privacy Policy.
I use Book Depository Affiliate Links.
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1 Comment
Good morning. Quick question. How do I sign up to follow your blog? Thanks.
January 14, 2019 at 5:13 am