Dear Lucas
I’m afraid I don’t write these as regularly as I used to and I have just read your last one and realised how much has changed. This last month seems to have been a tough one. We were having such a good patch over summer and it felt like everything was falling into place but I knew a lot of changes were on the horizon and it was going to change everything again.
You started pre-school in September and even though you are the youngest in the year you just love it, you run into class every day and always seem to be asking me when you are going to school. We had your parents evening last week, our very first one which was a little nerve-wrecking. You teacher and teaching assistants obviously adore you, they told us all about you with such great affection. Most of it was the things we know already that you are feisty and stand up for yourself and that you are happy to just be Lucas and you don’t care what anyone thinks. I love this so much and I hope it never fades. When we stand outside school and I see some of the older children they are already so self-concious and sometimes try to act older than they are but you are content to just be you, you never try to be something you are not. This is so special and I wish I could give you the courage to always be like that.
As much as you love pre-school the change has taken it’s toll, you do get tired and after a bought of illness we are having to start from scratch with the potty training which is such a shame as we thought we had cracked it. I think you are finding it hard with your little brothers suddenly becoming so much more mobile and demanding and of course they get praise and attention. In some ways I am glad that you take it out on us rather than on them but it’s hard when I can see you are so frustrated and you can’t fully express it yet. You have suddenly become scared of the dark and want us to sit with you until you fall asleep which you have never done before. I realise this is a funny stage for you; old enough to do so much yourself we encourage you to be independent yet we still tell you what you can and can’t do and, I suppose, set limits. You can talk to us better than ever but still you can’t express you feelings all the time and that leads to the meltdowns. You are such a determined little thing that I’m sure we will always have moments like this!
The other side to all this is as you are getting older you are becoming so loving; you will sometimes randomly come and tell us you love us or that you’ve missed us when you’ve been at nursery. You can be so sweet that it melts my heart and I know you can have such a sensitive side to you. You call all the children in your class your friends and you never hesitate to go up and talk to them.
You come out with the funniest things now, it’s amazing what you pick up from both of us and it sounds so strange repeated back to us. You often call me a ‘silly billy’ or say ‘don’t panic Mummy.’ You suddenly have a great love for drawing and colouring and I am so amazed as I watch you put your ideas onto paper, everything used to get a face and legs but right now you mostly like to draw roads which are big swirls all round the paper. Whenever you draw a picture for someone it is a road, sometimes with their house on it if they are lucky. I love how we see the things you are learning come out at home; you sing new songs that you’ve learnt in school and you are always counting. When I write words on your pictures you try to copy and you look for letters. Your love of books just gets stronger all the time, I often get a full run down on the story you’ve read at pre-school complete with whether you thought it was scary or happy.
You seem to be changing quickly at the moment; I can see such a massive difference since starting pre-school. Some afternoons I come home and I’ll see something you’ve set up before you left, like lunch for your Playmobil people or a line of cars, and I miss you so much. I hate not knowing what you are getting up to but it has been so good for you. I love to see you grow and I know that these years are so special as you learn your way through the world. I wish I could just stop time for a little bit and keep you as my little boy, so innocent and full of wonder; seeing the world through your eyes makes me a better person and I hope you always see the good like you do now.
All My Love

Ahh lovely letter to him. I found I saw a big change in z once he started preschool. A huge part of me didn’t want him to go but I’m so glad we took the plunge. It’s really helped his confidence and he loves talking about his friends and what they did (which is mostly “we played with the children” ) :)). We did go backwards with potty training for a bit but then he got it again very quickly. X
November 12, 2014 at 7:38 amOh that’s good to know, I’ve just totally relaxed on the potty training front because it was making us all frustrated I know he’ll get it when he’s ready! I know just from reading your blog how much Z has come out of his shell, I think preschool is good for them but strange to let them go xx
November 12, 2014 at 9:32 amWhat a gorgeous little boy, and a gorgeous, gorgeous letter. I found that pre-school stage such a tug too. It’s as you say – the fact that the house seems emptier somehow when they aren’t there. You summed it up perfectly. It’s so lovely that he’s getting on so well though, and thriving in this new challenge. Beautiful post poppet xx
November 12, 2014 at 11:00 amThank you so much, sometimes it’s difficult to keep up with these letters but they will be nice to look back on when all these stages are behind us! I love that he goes into school so well but I still miss him all the same xx
November 12, 2014 at 4:22 pmAhh that’s fantastic he is getting on so well and loving it. They really do grow up so fast. My son is the same age and I feel the same as you. its all happening so quickly soon it will be school full time. Can you believe? I am in denial still. What a lovely letter. Thanks for linking up to Share With Me #shrewithme
November 12, 2014 at 12:13 pmI am in denial too Jenny, I’m just concentrating on this stage and mostly ignoring the fact he will be in school full time this time next year! I thought you Buba was around the same age because he is a summer baby isn’t he? I think it’s always worse for us Mums of summer babies because they seem so young going off to school xx
November 12, 2014 at 4:24 pmAwww bless little Lucas if sounds like such an amazing, if not challenging time!!
November 12, 2014 at 3:27 pmHe really sounds like such a wonderful little guy Hayley!! I’m sorry I’ve not been over to your blog in a while, I don’t know why I haven’t because I always love your posts! X
Oh thank you, that’s really sweet of you to say. I know what it’s like though, when I see you tweets or photos pop up I think I must stop by your blog to see how Arthur is getting on then by the time I’m on the computer I get distracted! This is a lovely age but I’m starting to think most stages with Lucas will have their challenging times 🙂 xx
November 12, 2014 at 4:26 pmI do love this idea of writing him a letter. what a great way to record the moments and let him know about his childhood.
November 12, 2014 at 5:33 pmThank you, I’m trying to keep up with the little updates because they will be nice to look back on xx
November 12, 2014 at 9:26 pmAw, this is such a lovely age and stage in their lives. N’s much the same in repeating some funny comments (one he probably shouldn’t be saying), when previously he’d never really copy anything.
Glad he’s coping well with pre-school. It does take them a while to get used to it.
November 13, 2014 at 10:17 pmYes, he loves it but it the change just shows in other ways. The things they come out with at this age really make me laugh!
November 14, 2014 at 8:12 pm