Marmalade and Toast

October 8, 2014


marmalade and toast

What does your breakfast say about you? Are you a person who loves to have the same breakfast everyday or do you mix it up, how do you like your toast and what is your favourite topping? The people at Roberts Bakery and Duerr’s Jam and Marmalades have got to thinking that maybe what we have for breakfast says more about us than we might think. The things that you do everyday for breakfast even down to the thickness of your toast could have some deeper meaning that you have never considered. Luckily they have commissioned top scientific boffins to create a fun quiz to unlock your breakfast personality, and it will even identify your compatibility with the person you’re waking up to.

Personally I try and have my toast at the weekend, as a treat, or sometimes I’ll have a slice for supper nice and warm with sweet jam. Me and my husband could not be more different with our breakfast choices, I love my toast warm but only just toasted and I’ll have almost anything on it, jam, chocolate spread, marmalade but not peanut butter! He has his very well done, leaves it to cold and slathers on butter and peanut butter. He has taught me some of the finer points of toast making though, such as never use the same knife for different toppings. Nobody wants crumbs in the jam! I can say we haven’t gone quite so far as to buy a jam spoon though. I took the test and found out I am ‘On Trend’ with my toast habits, now let me tell you I don’t think I have ever been on trend for anything so this was a nice surprise. According to the quiz my husband would have to be ‘Angelic’ for us to be compatible and I’ll believe that when I see it!

Senior Psychology Lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire, Dr Sandi Mann led the project, analysing possible subconscious motives that prompt even the simplest of choices.

Dr Sandi Mann said: “How we eat our toast and marmalade might seem intuitive but the fact is, we each individually make a series of choices at breakfast – based on learnt preferences, innate behaviour and conditioned learning – which could underscore the personality type of last night’s bed fellow.”

So the question is are your breakfasts compatible, could this be the key to unlocking your happy every after? You’ll have to take the test to find out! Visit to put your partner’s toast eating habits to the test.


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