September Books 2013

September 21, 2012


September Books

This month, true to form, I’ve had several books on the go. Here are my September books: I’m still reading ‘The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest’ by Stieg Larsson I know, I was so late coming to these books but I have a good excuse! I hardly did any reading for the first six months of Lucas’ life; as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep. I know most people have read these now and everyone was telling me how good they were. I must admit it took me a while to get into the first book, I think I expected to fall in love with it straight away. I’m glad I stuck with it and about half way through I was hooked and it’s been non-stop reading since then. The last book a fair bit longer than the other two but I am really enjoying it. Lisbeth really is a character that gets under your skin and I can’t wait to see how the book finishes.

I’ve also been reading a book on my Kindle, I think I was browsing through science fiction special offers and thought I’d give it a go. The book is ‘Among Others’ by Jo Walton. I’m enjoying this but it isn’t the same frantic read as ‘The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest’ so I haven’t made much progress with it. It’s a nice read but the thing I do miss when I’m reading on my Kindle is being able to flick through the pages, look at the blurb at the back and read about the author. It’s so easy when you have a book to just have a rifle through and get feel of where the book is going. It’s written in diary entries from the main character Morwenna; you are given glimpses of her back story, mixed in with some fantasy so I am intrigued to read the rest of the book.

I wrote a post a couple of weeks ago about my reading habits; I’m trying to cut down on re-reading the same books every year. Since I wrote that though I fell off the wagon and couldn’t help but start ‘The Hobbit’ again! This book is such a favourite of mine and it takes me right back to my childhood. My mum read it to me over and over again as a bedtime story and I frequently got it out from our local library. I have a couple of copies at home and one of them is the same as the book I got out from the library so for nostalgic reasons, that is my favourite. It is such a feel-good book for me and I find it really comforting, isn’t it funny how books can make you feel like that? I’ve only just started it so there will probably be much more about my love for it in other posts. Also can’t wait for the film version!

Have you got any good books on the go? I can add them to my pile at the side of my bed!

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  • Mummy Daddy and Me makes Three

    I am reading Before I Go To Sleep- its really good and I recommend it! x

    September 21, 2012 at 2:26 pm Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      Thank you! I will check it out, I’m always on the look out for new reads x

      September 21, 2012 at 5:44 pm Reply
  • Vicki

    Im reading A Thousand Splendid Suns & really enjoying it.

    September 21, 2012 at 7:57 pm Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      Thanks Vicki, I’ll add it to my ever-growing wish list!

      September 21, 2012 at 8:49 pm Reply

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