Keep Smiling

May 9, 2015


A few months ago I wrote a post about the kindness of strangers and this week I was reminded of it again. The same lady I wrote about  six months ago showed up this week. She seems to appear on those days when I need to be reminded of just how lucky I am! I’m starting to feel like maybe she is my fairy godmother, suddenly appearing when she is needed, ready to give me that little boost. I am big believer in things happening for a reason and maybe I read too much into things but I like to think that she is here to give me a sign.

We’d had a few tiring days with teething, coughs and colds and I was trying to get all three boys out the door to take Lucas to pre-school. The twins sat whinging in the pushchair while I tried to get Lucas ready. He kept running off and shouting that he didn’t want to go to school, why did he have to go, couldn’t he play at home? The moment I step into the fresh air I always feel better but Boo was still having a little moan as we set off on our way. I was tired, I had no make up on and I’m not sure I had remembered to brush my teeth, I’d just pulled my hair back in a quick pony tail, I suspect one of the twins had wiped snot on my jeans, I had raised my voice too much that morning; I was not feeling like the greatest mum on that day.

I saw my fairy godmother get off the bus in front of us and recognised her and her husband from when we last met – I smiled at her. She stopped me again and commented on what a beautiful family I had and we chatted for a while about the boys as Lucas shyly peeped out from behind the pushchair. Her parting words to me were ‘Keep smiling…it is all worth it’

Something about the way she spoke the words made tears come to my eyes, even now as I’m writing it I feel the same. She looked right into my eyes and spoke as if willing me to believe her. The way she says it makes me wonder if something has happened in her life to make her all the more appreciative of family. Her compassion completely blows me away; the way that she takes the time to stop and tell me how lucky I am is something I always want to remember.

When people see me with three boys under four I don’t often get a positive reaction and maybe I would have been guilty of the same in the past. Instead of saying how wonderful it is to have children you are inclined commiserate with the parent on how difficult it can be. Having experienced both I can say that hearing how lucky you are is far, far better than having someone point and shout ‘double, trouble’ at the pushchair.

As my fairy godmother smiled at my children and told me how lovely it was to see them I smiled back at her and told her how good they are, how my days are never dull and that they always make me smile. It felt good, I felt proud that they were mine.

I am trying to remember that even a little compassion can go a long way and it is something we can all give freely without preconceived judgments. Choosing kindness might just make someone’s day in a way you may never know.

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  • Karen (@karenjwhitlock)

    This is such a lovely post. Restores faith in humanity when someone says something like this to you. Lovely.

    May 9, 2015 at 11:57 am Reply
  • Tina

    What a nice woman. If I saw you and your three babies out I would never think wow it must be so difficult, my honest reaction would be WOW what a strong mama taking care of all these kids and look how lucky she is to be surrounded by so much love.

    May 9, 2015 at 4:33 pm Reply
  • Katie @mummydaddyme

    Such a lovely post Hayley and how random that it was the same lady- it definitely sounds like she is a fairy godmother. xx

    May 9, 2015 at 6:14 pm Reply
  • Angela at

    It’s always nice when people are kind to us rather than rude and judgemental. Radom acts of kindness can brighten up the day. 🙂 Angela xx

    May 9, 2015 at 8:40 pm Reply
  • Notmyyearoff

    Ahh your fairy godmother sounds really lovely and kind of like she has a sixth sense with her perfect timing :). Those are such wise words though aren’t they? And ones we really easily forget in all the regular hustle and bustle of life x

    May 10, 2015 at 1:23 pm Reply
  • mummyofboygirltwins

    Sometimes it takes an act like that, or stranger to help us see our way. I know what you mean. What a lovely act of kindness and just what you needed at that time. How sweet. Such a lovely post Hayley xxx

    May 10, 2015 at 1:52 pm Reply
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