Newborn Love

March 29, 2013
Last week I ended my birth story, it’s been quite strange to look back on it. Right after having him I told my husband there would be no more, I couldn’t do it again! The midwives laughed, I guess they must hear that a lot and already I know I’d do it all over again.
This week though, I’d just like to share some of my favourite photos from that first week with our new baby boy, Lucas. I started this blog when Lucas was one year old so a lot of those little newborn moments were lost and I took hundreds upon hundreds of photos. As much as I wish I had started recording Lucas’ early days right from the start I’m not sure I was with it enough to be able to sit in front of a computer and write away.
The first week as a new parent is overwhelming, so many new things to take in and I honestly think it took me months to realise just how much my life had changed and that it was never going to be going back to what it was before. It was tough as we all figured out how we were going to adapt to our new roles, he wasn’t an easy baby, he struggled with reflux and eczema and I regret a little that this time wasn’t as enjoyable as it could have been. In the end I look back at these photos with so much joy. I hold so many precious memories of Lucas as a newborn; the little boy who stole our hearts.

New BornMama and BabaBeautiful Boy

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  • Laura CYMFT

    Awww he is so sweet and gorgeous. I love newborn babies.

    March 29, 2013 at 4:42 pm Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      Me too, love looking back at these photos.

      April 1, 2013 at 8:35 am Reply
  • Jenny Paulin

    Hayley I never tire of looking back through the newborn photos of my two. like you i find it hard to believe how tiny they were, how much love i had for them and how utterly exhausting and over whelming it all was and hard but lovely at the same time.
    These are beautiful photos what a gorgeous baby. i like the second one of you holding him with his eyes open and the first and third of him asleep. awwww thank you for sharing them and linking up x x

    March 29, 2013 at 10:56 pm Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      That is exactly what it like, so many mixed emotions with a newborn and its so hard to believe that it is the same little boy running around the house now. Lovely to look back at all the same! xx

      April 1, 2013 at 8:37 am Reply
  • Mummy Daddy and Me makes Three

    Aw he was a gorgeous Newborn, I love the second photo with his eyes open. My little LL is already getting bigger and not so scrunched up at only 7 weeks and it makes me a little sad! So silly! x

    March 31, 2013 at 9:26 pm Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      Aww, I read your post at being being happy with two and made me a little sad at your thoughts of her growing out of baby grows and it being the last time they will be used! I think we will only want another one and I can imagine that no longer needing the ‘baby stuff’ will be sad xx

      April 1, 2013 at 8:39 am Reply
  • TheBoyandMe

    Awww, be still my beating ovaries, he is gorgeous and has now managed to make me really broody. I love seeing newborn baby photos.

    Nipping over from Flashback Friday linky.

    April 2, 2013 at 9:29 pm Reply
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