crawling twins

The Dynamic Duo – On The Move

October 23, 2014


I love being a Mummy to twins, it is without a doubt the most tiring thing I have ever done but having two babies growing up together is incredible. I find it hard to put into words just how special it is, the feeling I get from seeing them together is indescribable. Every stage has brought sometime different, new challenges and new joys. Some times I feel like things are getting easier and lots of things are…then they started crawling. They had both been up on hands and knees for a while rocking around and commando crawling. Arthur started his true crawling movements first and Brandon followed on just a few days later. They are never far behind each other with reaching milestones. Once they had learnt to crawl they obviously decided it was about time they learnt to sit up by themselves, they had been very relaxed about the whole thing up until then. I had no idea they were anywhere near doing it until I went in to get Arthur from his nap and he was sat up in his cot grinning at me, then he started to reach out for the bars and pull himself up. Not to be outdone Brandon started doing exactly the same just a few days later.

It’s been about four weeks since they’ve been crawling I can honestly say my level of exhaustion is reaching the same as the new born baby days. It’s not that I’m particularly sleepy but I spend a good amount of my day chasing them round the house, telling them not to touch the oven/router/radiator, not the eat a bit of fluff they have discovered on the floor, not to the throw the books of the bookshelf. I can’t take my eyes off them, even when I think they are relatively safe in their high chairs they find things to reach and grab for.

Honestly, I have never known children so into EVERYTHING. I don’t know whether they are particularity inquisitive or if it is more the fact that there are two of them that I really do need eyes in the back of my head. Lucas was pretty moochy at this age but he has always been really into his toys and will sit and play for so long. Arthur and Brandon while liking toys seem to only give them limited attention before dashing off to find something they shouldn’t have. Non-baby items seem to be like beacons to them and if one finds one the other rushes around to join in the fun. As soon as the bathroom door opens they both make a bee line for it so while I am trying to sort Lucas out they are pulling shoes off the rack and grasping at the toilet roll.

And still I can’t help but chuckle at them, even when they are driving me demented! They are so cute, so full of smiles and they certainly know how to turn on the charm. I must laugh in exasperation at least ten times a day and I get a little dimpled baby grin back. How can I resist their little twinny charms?

You can tell from these photos that they are virtually impossible to catch sitting still so I have to apologise for the quality but I couldn’t help but share their adventurous ways.

crawling twins

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  • patrycja

    You are a supermum!!!

    October 23, 2014 at 10:11 pm Reply
  • Katie @mummydaddyme

    They are growing up so quickly, look at their little faces. You must be so proud of them! x

    October 26, 2014 at 2:30 pm Reply
    • hayleyfromhome

      I really am, it is so nice to have twins that it makes up for the madness! xx

      October 31, 2014 at 2:47 pm Reply
  • Katie (@mami2fiveblog)

    Aww, those pictures remind me of when E&Ff were little, so sweet!
    I think you may have a mixture of boy problems and twin problems. Mine were everywhere and in to everything (usually in opposite directions so you had to weigh up which one to grab first! But could be distracted to sit and play/look at something. My boys(singletons) are mischievous but they cannot be cajoled into sitting still for more than a minute before being off again!

    Thanks for linking up #MultipleMadness

    November 1, 2014 at 11:35 pm Reply
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