I realise it’s been a while since I’ve blogged now so yet again I’m trying to ease myself back into it with one of these round ups. I’m having a little motivational flurry at the moment so thought I’d best make the most of it. Please read my first A Little Bit Lately post to find out what these are all about.
I’m very much enjoying my reading at the moment; I’m taking part on a readalong over on Instagram by Remembery Tree Reads and Cozy Read. They’ve set up a Victorian Sensation Book Club and we’ve started off with The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins; I haven’t read anything by the author before and I’m enjoying trying something I wouldn’t have picked up before and especially loving all the chat afterwards. I’ve also just picked up Alwyn Hamilton’s Rebel of the Sands which is yet another YA fantasy, I’ve just read a few pages so far but it looks brilliant.
We started The Haunting of Hill House quite a while ago now but it’s taking us ages to get through because I need breaks, I’m not good with scary things and I know some people don’t think it’s that scary but haunting things really freak me out! I can handle slashers but something about supernatural thrillers really gets to me. I am loving it though, I think the storytelling in it is brilliant but I suspect we won’t finish it for another week yet.
I’m very happy to report that I have finally bought myself a DAB radio, (thank goodness for Aldi’s special buys) which means I spend most of my time now listening to Absolute Radio 90’s and BBC Radio 6. In between that we have George Ezra’s Shotgun on a loop as they play it in the boys school and they have become obsessed with it!
We were invited to a Halloween event at Waterstones in Liverpool over the half term; we got to have some crafty fun and Lucas had his face painted by the Snazaroo team; he went for a fox design and they very kindly gave us a set to take home and try. I’ve been having a lot of fun trying to recreate their designs at home! The paints are easier to use than I thought and even with my boys sensitive skin it doesn’t bother them, so far we have made a skeleton, another fox, a superhero and one of the twins even requested a Porg (it’s from Star Wars if you are unsure). I’m loving getting them out on a rainy day and seeing what they decide to be. I wouldn’t have thought of having any at home before but I’d definitely recommend Snazaroo, I think they’ll come in handy now for dressing up days in school too! While we were in Liverpool we went for lunch in Bakchich which is my new favourite place to eat with the boys, it’s a Lebenese Street food restaurant but they have a children’s menu that my boys love and Arthur would eat them out of houmous given a chance. It’s reasonable with plenty of veggie and vegan options; well worth a visit if you’re in Liverpool.

I’ve been thinking a lot about my blog recently and how it’s changed over this last year. I’ve naturally slowed down with my posts; especially since I started working in September and I’m trying to write more for myself in my free time. I don’t have as much time to do the extras and feel a real part of the blogging community, although twitter helps keep me in the loop. It would be easy to let it go, and finish blogging altogether as I really do have to carve out the time to squeeze it in now but I don’t quite want to stop. I like having it here to come back to every now and again, I still have a lot of ideas for things I want to blog about and I’ll write them down in the hopes that at some point I’ll find the time to put them out there. I still love having this space to ramble on and it still blows my mind that people take the time to read it – next year it will have been going seven years and I hope I’ll still keep coming back, however infrequently, to write a little bit here and there.
Some bits of life lately over on my Instagram

Always nice when a notification pops up to say that you’ve blogged. I love reading your updates even if they’re not as frequent x
November 9, 2018 at 11:49 amThanks Rachel – that’s really nice to hear and ditto! I’m still reading plenty of blog posts just not so good at the commenting and everything else that comes with it 😉
November 13, 2018 at 9:30 pmI’m so glad you’re still blogging when you can find time to Hayley – I love your posts and hearing what you’ve been getting up to. I’m with you on the supernatural stuff – it really freaks me out. We always use the Snazaroo stuff for face painting at Halloween, it’s excellent. I hope your job, your writing and everything else is going well. Xx
November 9, 2018 at 3:08 pmThanks Gail, yes everything going good here but finding the time passing by very quickly now! I’d never used Snazaroo before and the kids are requesting it nearly every weekend now! Part of me wants to recommend The Haunting of Hill House to everyone but I don’t want to inflict the horror on anyone else! xx
November 13, 2018 at 9:33 pmI echo what Rachel said and I always enjoy what you have been up to. 7 years is a long time, and I would hate for you to give up Hayley. Keep on doing you, and your readers will always be here for you. And keep posting about gorgeous candles you buy from TK Maxx lol x
November 13, 2018 at 3:43 pmHaha, thanks Tracey! I must be due a TK Maxx visit soon, I don’t think I’ll stop all together just a but more aware now that I have flurries of activity followed by months of nothing 😉 xx
November 13, 2018 at 9:37 pm