Happy & Healthy – Back to Basics

June 22, 2016

Happy & Healthy - Back To Basics on Slimming World and keeping up daily yoga.

It’s been nearly a year since I reached my target weight at slimming world and over a year since I wrote about my body confidence and weightloss. I thought I’d do a little update on how it has gone since then as that was a hard post for me to write but it’s been good to look back on. The last few months my weight has been creeping up. I get a little panicked and those feelings can be a little suffocating, like it will get out of control and I’ll be seen as the big girl again and I don’t know what to do about it.

I knew when I reached target that it would be so easy to slip back into bad habits, to stop eating the right things and to stop exercising but my attitude to food had changed so drastically I managed to stay on track. Even over Christmas I did ok, I knew I never wanted to go and put the weight back on. Then we had a month back in March when Lucas was ill with some awful virus that just went on and on and it threw everything off. I was eating whatever was easy and because we weren’t even going to school there was no exercise whatsoever. I stopped going to my group even knowing that I was putting more weight on. I struggle to find the time to go to exercise classes anyway but they stopped too.

For at least a month I’ve been dithering around eating healthy but without really committing. I’ve been saying I’m going to start exercising regularly again without actually getting on with it. When I actually weighed myself, which I’ve avoided for a while, I was getting close to a stone over my target weight. Knowing how hard it was for me to lose that last stone I was pretty annoyed with myself but at the same time sometimes life just gets in the way. No point feeling guilty for it now, it’s just time to start afresh.

My consultant at Slimming World always used to say to us, ‘go back to basics’ when we’d gone off track. If someone new joined the group she would ask us for our tips to keeping it going and the first thing I said was always plan your meals and write down everything you’ve eaten – even if it’s bad. So last week I did just that, I went through my recipe books, planned all out meals wrote my shopping list and stuck to it 100%. Let’s face it, I know what to do, I know I shouldn’t be buying a massive loaf of fresh bread when we have pasta and I know I can’t keep buying pizza for tea but the stubborn part of me thinks, why shouldn’t I when that’s what I want to eat. Stupid attitude but there you go.

On top of that I’ve started doing yoga at home with YouTube videos – I’m trying to do it every night, even a little bit and hopefully I’ll be able to keep it up. I read this article yesterday for National Yoga Day and it pretty much summed up how I feel about yoga. I never thought I’d be someone who went to a yoga class because you imagine them as these young, fit, super flexible people, I thought people might laugh at me or I just wouldn’t be able to do it. My friend took me along to her class and it was the complete opposite of what I thought it would be. Firstly, it wasn’t about fitness or strength or even flexibility, everyone just does the best they can and I was surprised at what I could actually do when in the right environment. No one watches you or looks out to see it you’re hitting that perfect pose, it isn’t about that at all. Surprisingly it does start to spill out into all aspects of your life – I can’t claim that I always feel zen, most mornings are a testament to that, but it does help me in other ways, I have more energy, I sleep better and it definitely improves my mood. My husband has even started giving it a go and it’s a great encouragement to roll out the mat rather than just lazing on the sofa.

I was going to say I’m back to it but it isn’t really that at all – it isn’t a fad, it is just that this is how I want my life to be. Eating healthy, staying active and letting myself have the little treats (and wine) here and there. It isn’t just about weight loss, it has always been about feeling happier in myself.

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  • Vicki

    I am trying to make changes to my wellbeing that I can continue with forever. I am slowly understanding food, nutrition and the way my body responds to certain food groups. Exercise is also something I struggle with but Yoga & walking are the two things I enjoy doing and they are also calming and not too high impact. I am never going to be a runner or a gym enthusiast but I do know that exercise is just as important for your mental wellbeing as it is your physical. I always recommend people try Yoga, its such a wonderful way of staying healthy.

    June 22, 2016 at 1:21 pm Reply
    • hayleyfromhome

      I think your diet is amazing Vicki – you’ve made so many positive changes over the last few years and it shows. I’m feeling in a good frame of mind to go for it at the moment so just trying to make the most of it, loving yoga 🙂

      June 23, 2016 at 10:18 am Reply
  • Notmyyearoff

    Yoga sounds so good. You always look amazing Hayley and I would never look at you and think you’re the big girl. Well done on making so many changes though. It’s not an easy thing to do! I have to admit I’ve never ever thought about it. I do need to do something though, I literally just run about after a baby and stuff my face. It’s so easy isn’t it? You wonder “am I hungry” and the reply is always “yes I AM hungry!” …or peckish at least. My vices are Pepsi and bread and I’m trying hard to cut out the Pepsi. I probably then need to switch to brown bread…bleurgh. And then more walks!

    June 22, 2016 at 3:15 pm Reply
    • hayleyfromhome

      Thanks, I think you get a bit of a pass when you have a baby, there is no time for anything else and anyway Tas you always look great! I do like walking and yoga though, good for the mind as well as the body and all that! I don’t think I’ll ever be someone who could go to the gym!

      June 23, 2016 at 10:15 am Reply
  • Kat Brown

    I really love Erin Motz’s yoga youtube videos she has a great ethos and a ‘realistic’ attitude towards yoga that I find really refreshing have a google of ‘Bad Yogi’. I think you’ll really like her X

    June 22, 2016 at 5:56 pm Reply
    • hayleyfromhome

      Oh cool, thanks I will check it out! We are currently doing Yoga with Adrienne 30 days of yoga which is a lot harder than I thought 😉

      June 23, 2016 at 10:12 am Reply
  • Julia @ Rainbeaubelle

    Hayley I can totally relate to this. I have done slimming world too to lose weight when I’ve needed to and have managed to stay near my target for a year or so. Then lately my weight has creeped up too and I am 8 pounds over target. I have been bad to sw for two weeks but have actually put on weight!! I need help!! You have inspired me to start yoga, i think when i move i will look for a class to do and hope my mum can babysit! xx PS you look amazing!!!

    June 25, 2016 at 7:28 am Reply
    • hayleyfromhome

      Thanks Jules, I really can’t recommend yoga enough, I think you’d like it. A great way to carve out a bit of time to unwind too. Argh, the weight is so annoying, like you, it doesn’t sound like much but I just feel like it needs to go! No one would know looking at you, you always look super glam 🙂 xx

      June 27, 2016 at 4:48 pm Reply
  • Tracey Williams

    I have just read your other post from last year and huge well done on losing 3 stone Hayley. Everything about your post struck a chord with me. I really need to rejoin SW and stay to class each week, but something in my mind is stopping me. What I really don’t know. My mum swears by yoga for keeping not just her body in shape but also her mind. My 90 year old nan still did yoga up until she passed away last year. She used to totally put me to shame showing me some of her yoga moves x

    June 26, 2016 at 6:09 pm Reply
    • hayleyfromhome

      That is amazing! That is what I love about yoga, anyone can do it regardless of age or shape. I agree with your mum about keeping your mind in shape too, it has been a real eye opener for me! Thanks so much Tracey, do you know I really believe there is no point signing up to SW and going for it until you are ready. Don’t do it if you’re not really feeling it – the right time will come and it will make all the difference. Like I said in my other post I think the biggest thing for me was not doing it for a big event or holiday, I just wanted to do it for me! xx

      June 27, 2016 at 4:44 pm Reply
  • Kat | Beau Twins

    I really miss Pilates but finding it so hard to get to class. Waste of gym membership. Might have to try online for yoga. Sounds like you re doing great and you look stunning – as always. You’ve inspired me lovely. Xx

    July 7, 2016 at 10:50 pm Reply
  • Krista

    I’ve been trying to do the same thing. After baby #5 things are definitely needing to be put back into place and it’s just so hard to do with three under two! This week however though I have started a new routine and that includes me getting off my butt and working out by no later than 5:45am…I get up and 4:30-5:00am and usually just sit around drinking coffee ALL morning but with taking on new clients and getting back into the work groove I simply don’t have time for the mid day workout. So here’s to sticking to this plan for the rest of the week ( I hope). On a side note eating healthy I have a little extra incentive since I’m breastfeeding and little miss has a dairy intolerance. Hopefully I will continue once we wean her 🙂 anyway I’m rambling great post xo

    July 12, 2016 at 12:14 am Reply
  • Karen Beddow

    I’ve been trying to do more yoga too and whilst i do fall over (a lot) I do really enjoy it and come out feeling a lot better! You always look fab lovely but glad you feel happier too.

    July 15, 2016 at 1:02 pm Reply
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