A Little Bit Lately #30

March 9, 2017

Please read my first A Little Bit Lately post to find out what these are all about, although I’m sure you get the idea. These have been inspired by Sometimes Sweet’s Currently posts so check her out if you like it!


I’ve started so many books this last week and put them down – it’s taken me a while to decide what I want to read. Then I picked up The Dark Tower by Stephen King and flew through it – it’s so good! It’s one of those books I’ve had on the bookshelf for years, I mean seriously about 10 years, and I’ve always wanted to read it. The film is out this year so I’m glad I read this first, it’s odd and quite dark but it’s also totally captivating. I also finished the first book in the Mistborn series, The Final Empire after I’d seen it recommended on Jess’s YouTube channel. I wasn’t sure at first as it starts of really slow but about half way through I got into it, it’s so cleverly done and a great dystopian fantasy book if that’s your thing. I’ve also done an update of the books I’ve read so far this year if you fancy a nosy. 


We are still making our way through Parks and Recreation and it just makes me so happy! We’ve also got Vikings on the go, we suddenly realised it was on Amazon Prime and it’s brilliant. It is just our kind of show – it is starting to get quite gory now but still a great one to get into. I’m also making my way through the latest series of The Affair, my husband doesn’t like it really so I watch it on my own. I think I’ve preferred this series to the last one so far – the characters don’t stress me out quite as much,


I’ve only just discovered that the playlists in The Simple Things magazine are on Spotify! What a revelation, if you don’t read The Simple Things each month they pop in a playlist to suit the theme that month or to do with the seasons – so there are Autumn Beach Walks, Tea and Coffe Songs, Scandi Songs – I love it! The soundtrack to February was Uplifting and it’s so nice to listen to especially now the sun is shining!


This week I got the Penguin books newsletter through to my email and there was an article in there by Caitlin Moran called, ‘How Books Made Me A Feminist’. I thought that it would be filled with books I hadn’t read, books that maybe I should have read in order to be a better feminist. Instead I see titles like Jane Eyre, Little Women, I Capture The Castle, Pride and Prejudice; a whole list of some of my favourite books. Quite rightly, Caitlin, points out that from a young age these books are what shape our ideas about women, they are the books that made her into the woman she is now and they are all written by women. I nodded along the whole way through the article. The women in these books emotional and passionate, they are complex and they desire things, they are quirky and wonderful, they love deeply. We see them suffer and come through it, we see them prevail against everything and show the world how brilliant they are. They are everything we see in ourselves and these women have shown me, from a young age, it’s amazing to be a woman. Caitlin puts this all much better than I do so go and have a read of the post, it’s brilliant!


I really need to do a good spring clean this month – there just seems to be stuff everywhere at the moment. I love a good clear out but it’s hard finding the time to do it. I hope that now the weather is a little better I can pop the twins in the garden while I tackle the housework. At the moment as soon as I try to start on one room they cause utter destruction in another! 

Some bits of life lately over on my Instagram 

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  • Notmyyearoff

    Love these posts. I completely binge watched the Affair and I regularly wanted to slap at least one of them each week. If anyone is considering an affair, they really should watch this. I love how the episodes are recalled from each of their memories though and how perception can be SO different. It’s changed how I now think about some people….those where I sometimes wondered if they might be lying a bit. I’ve realised it’s just how they remember things and that depending on the situation they’ve overthought or undersold themselves. I think it’s called the Rosheman effect (something like that). I did far too much googling after watching it 🙂

    March 11, 2017 at 9:25 am Reply
  • Gail

    Love these updates Hayley:) And so glad you’re enjoying Vikings! I agree, it gets a bit gorier as the seasons progress, and I must admit I found the last one a bit much in places. But the fantastic writing, acting and storylines always keep me interested. I can’t wait for the next season xx

    March 12, 2017 at 11:38 am Reply
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