Today You Are Five Dear Lucas Today is the day you turned five years old. I would usually write these on the night before your birthday but today I… Continue reading... August 30, 2016
The End of Reception Dear Lucas We are reaching the end of your first full year in school and for all the worry and nerves it has just flown… Continue reading... July 14, 2016
A Bedroom For A Little Adventurer As much fun as it is decorating children’s bedrooms I am beginning to realise it gets more difficult as they get older. When we first… Continue reading... April 27, 2016
Living Arrows 15/52 It’s has been quite a few weeks now since I have joined in with Living Arrows, I hadn’t been picking up my phone or camera… Continue reading... April 11, 2016
A Quiet Week Life hasn’t been very exciting recently, it’s hard to sit down and blog when there isn’t much happening. We just checked our calender and realised… Continue reading... April 8, 2016
Is It Another Weekend Tomorrow? These are the words uttered from my four year old as he climbs the stairs to go to bed last Sunday night, me and my… Continue reading... February 12, 2016
Living Arrows 6/52 It is so nice to see the sun again in our photos, this one is so different to last week’s Living Arrows photo! Even though… Continue reading... February 8, 2016
Living Arrows 5/52 I am so glad to be able to say we are finally in February, I feel a little like January sucked the life out of… Continue reading... February 1, 2016
Living Arrows 52/52 The final Living Arrows of the year is here and I’m so glad that I got involved. I’ve missed a few weeks but having this… Continue reading... December 28, 2015
Living Arrows 50/52 We’ve nearly made it to the end of the first full term of school and this photo pretty much sums up how this last week… Continue reading... December 14, 2015
Living Arrows 47/52 Another week has passed and I have hardly taken any photos yet again. I’m cheating a little and using one I took of Lucas on… Continue reading... November 23, 2015