Today You Are Three

August 30, 2014


Dear Lucas

Today is the day that you turn three years old. So much has happened this year and you turning three is only the start of more big events in your little world. Within a month you will be starting pre-school; this will be a great adventure for you and one I can see you are ready for. I can only imagine the fun you will have but I still will miss you terribly. This year I have seen so many changes in you, you became a big brother just a few days after Christmas and really you are a natural. You do have occasional moments of less than friendly brotherly feelings but as Arthur and Brandon get older I can see the love between all three of you. You are so kind to them; you will try to make them laugh when they are crying and offer them toys if they can’t reach them. You giggle when they do and you cuddle them while saying ‘my brothers’; you have become so affectionate this year and nothing is sweeter than hearing you say ‘I love you’ and getting one of your rare kisses.

Some parts of this year have also been so challenging and somedays you really have pushed me to the edge, I have no idea how you came to be so stubborn and strong-willed. You will push us to our limits sometimes just to see how far you can go. However, at the end of each night I always go to bed thinking of you. Even on the toughest of days you can make me smile; even if it is me telling your Daddy that you drove me mad! This still makes me smile because that is just you, this feisty little man, so full of emotion and drive. I always say that I am sure you will push us all the way though your childhood, that is just part of who you are and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

Your speech has been incredible this year and I am constantly amazed at how much you can now communicate to us. The way you see the world is just fantastic, your imagination runs miles ahead of anything we could envisage but we are lucky enough that you can now explain it to us and we can join in with your games. You still go into hysterics over certain things, the word ‘salad’ seems to be particularly funny at the moment, and we have no idea what you mean!

You always seem to see the good in everyone, and approach people with such friendliness. Only this weekend we visited a playground and you strode right up to a little boy playing and chattered something to him so eager to make a friend. This part of you is so precious and I hope you never lose it.

Lucas what can I say about what you have brought to our lives? Three years ago you arrived to make us a Mummy and a Daddy, to make us a family and this year that family has grown and you have made us so proud as you became a big brother. To be able to say that you are my son is the best feeling in the world; you are unique in so many ways, so full of character. Only three years old and yet I feel like you have always been here. You have been so looking forward to your ‘party day’ and I hope you enjoy the celebrations. You are always happy around people you love and I’m sure it will be a perfect day. And remember, cake for breakfast on your birthday is always acceptable!

Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday My Sweet



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  • Donna

    He is so gorgeous! Happy Birthday Lucas – I can’t believe our babies have Birthdays only days apart xx

    August 30, 2014 at 10:38 pm Reply
    • hayleyfromhome

      I know! I had no idea they were so close xx

      September 1, 2014 at 10:22 pm Reply
  • Tina

    Aww happy birthday Lucas!!! This is so sweet

    September 1, 2014 at 6:12 pm Reply
  • mummyofboygirltwins

    Happy birthday!!!! Hope he had a fantastic and amazing birthday x x

    September 2, 2014 at 2:02 pm Reply
  • Rachel @ The Ordinary Lovely

    He sounds like such a lovely boy, Hayley (and a pretty great brother too). Three onwards has seen my eldest come in to his own. With his speech progressing so quickly, his personality has really come out. I’m sure you’re going to love it too x

    September 3, 2014 at 2:50 pm Reply
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