Pregnancy – The Second Scan

February 1, 2013

This week I’m carrying on from my last installant in my pregnancy story, the first scan. It was starting to become noticeable that I was pregnant and pretty much everyone knew now. I had a big pregnancy book borrowed from my sister-in-law which I was checking far too often to see what size the baby was and what had developed. Me and my husband had started to talk about names and we had a few narrowed down for boys and girls. We both wanted to find out he sex of the baby at the 20 week second scan so we hadn’t decided on anything seriously and we hadn’t bought anything for our squatter. I quite enjoyed this stage of pregnancy before the bump took over and became uncomfortable, however, I was such a worrier through it all! I didn’t know what was normal for pregnancy and my midwife wasn’t particularly forthcoming, I found out later she actually thought this was my second baby! As it happened everything was always fine and looking back now I blame it on the hormones. It was lovely at this stage to be able to hear the babies heart beat and feeling those first flutters of movements before they developed into hefty kicks.

When the 20 week scan date came through I was again anxious and excited, I couldn’t wait to see our squatter again on the screen and I was so eager to find out it we would be having a boy or a girl. A few weeks before the scan I started to think of the baby as a boy and a few days before I told James my feelings; he thought exactly the opposite, that it would be a girl. Again, he managed to get the time off work so we travelled to the hospital together chatting about names for the baby. We went in and waited while the sonographer had a good look then she turned the screen round for us to see. I was blown away by how much had changed, the baby was wriggling around everywhere and I could pick out arms, legs and the face so clearly. We told her we would like to know the sex if possible but I think even if we hadn’t we would have seen for ourselves; we were quite clearly expecting a little boy. I had originally leaned slightly more towards wanting to have a girl but in the few moments before she told us the gender I realised I would be disappointed if she had said it was a girl. I had become so used to the thought of a boy and was thrilled when we found out it was.

We came out of the hospital and went to get some lunch; we phoned our parents and told them the news. They were both eagerly awaiting the phone call and were so happy to hear we were having a boy. We sat for ages and looked at the scan photo; they had really struggled to get a clear picture because he just wouldn’t stay still but I still remember the way I had seen him so clearly on the screen. On the way back from work that day I went and bought my first baby item; a blue t-shirt that said handsome like Daddy.

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  • Laura CYMFT

    Lovely story. The difference in the scans is amazing!

    February 1, 2013 at 8:53 pm Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      I know, it seems strange looking back on them now and looking at the little boy in our house!

      February 7, 2013 at 9:35 pm Reply
  • Jenny Paulin

    awww this is lovely. love that you could see for yourselves that your baby was a boy!! what a cheeky boy!and i knew i was having a boy when i was carrying Burton too – mummy’s intuition i guess

    thanks for linking up x

    February 2, 2013 at 1:11 am Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      It’s funny how sometimes Mums have a feeling what they are having, I’m so glad we had a little boy xx

      February 7, 2013 at 9:34 pm Reply
  • Lauren

    Awww this is fab! Took me back to my 20 week scan with Charles.
    I think we all worry during pregnancy, it’s only natural.
    Thank you for linking up x

    February 6, 2013 at 11:29 pm Reply
    • Hayley Smith

      Thanks Lauren, I like to think I wouldn’t be as bad if we have another but I’m sure it is just the same xx

      February 7, 2013 at 9:33 pm Reply

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