A Year In Books – January 2015

January 30, 2015


In case you missed my first post 2015 is going to be the year that I reclaimed my love of reading. I don’t really make New Years resolutions but if I did this would be one of them…to read more books. Nearly one month in and I’m pleased with how it has gone; I have read four books this month, four! I had a target in my head of at least one a month because I wanted to be realistic so finding the time and motivation to read four has been amazing.

In the end it wasn’t as difficult as I thought; two things really helped me. Firstly I only picked books I wanted to read which might sound daft but how often have you started a book because you feel you should read it? Maybe it’s a classic or a popular book or it’s been on the bookshelf forever, some of these can be great but others can become a chore and that is exactly what stops me reading. I’ve started picking books that I am looking forward to reading and luckily all of them have drawn me in and I’ve read quite quickly, if I’m not enjoying a book this year I’m going to put it to one side and try something else.

The second thing I have done is to PUT DOWN THE PHONE; every single night when I get into bed I pick up my phone and I can be on it for anything between 10 minutes and an hour just catching up on social media, checking emails etc. I’m certain this isn’t good for me just before bed as my mind doesn’t switch off. I have been determined to use that time to read and that has really helped me relax. Of course if I get a message I’ll reply but once I’ve read I try not to pick my phone up before I go to sleep, it’s a hard habit to break but I’m getting better.


These are the four books I’ve read this month; The Observations – Jane Harris, The Miniaturist – Jessie Burton, Clandestine in Chile – Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Wonder – R.J. Palacio. I enjoyed all of them, they were all different so maybe that is why it kept me interested. The Miniaturist I wasn’t sure about for the first couple of chapters but then it hooked me in and I just loved it; it is so beautifully written and you can really picture everything she describes. I’ve just finished Wonder today and cannot believe I haven’t read it sooner, such a sweet story and very uplifting. Clandestine In Chile was one I just plucked off our bookshelf because it was short but it was so interesting. It is the true story of a Chilean director who was exiled from his own country, he wanted to get back in to film so he did, in a complete disguise as a different person. Garcia Marquez interviewed him afterwards and put this book together telling the tale. The Observations was borrowed from a friend; it was a intriguing one with some fantastic characters so I found it easy and enjoyable.

Thank you to everyone who has been joining in on Instagram, it has been great to get some inspiration and see what everyone else is enjoying. Check out the hashtag #ayearinbooks2015 and feel free to join in at any time and let me know your book recommendations. What have you been enjoying this year?



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  • Katy {What Katy Said}

    Four in a MONTH???? I would be lucky to read 4 in 4 years!!! I love reading but I never seem to find the time x

    January 30, 2015 at 7:50 pm Reply
    • hayleyfromhome

      I will never keep it up, I know that so thought I’d get a head start. It has really helped me to stop looking at my phone before I go to sleep though, that frees up a lot of time for reading! xx

      January 30, 2015 at 8:24 pm Reply
  • Emma T

    I’ve done the same as you. Stopped taking my tablet to bed…well, it’s upstairs, I check my crochet pattern, do a bit of crochet and then the book comes out, and the same first thing in the morning. I’ve been able to get through lots of my books, although I need to read some of my paperbacks in my to read pile, rather than just my kindle.

    I’m doing the goodreads challenge so if you’re on there, I’m etusty (I think)

    January 30, 2015 at 8:50 pm Reply
  • Emma

    Well done,I have tried to do the same by reading instead playing on my phone and I managed to read 4 books too, very pleased with that! I blogged about my reads today x

    January 30, 2015 at 9:41 pm Reply
    • hayleyfromhome

      Oh that’s fab Emma, I’ll pop over and have a read! xx

      January 30, 2015 at 10:43 pm Reply
  • Donna

    My year in books wouldn’t have very many!! I’ve started reading my first book since about 2011! x

    January 30, 2015 at 10:12 pm Reply
  • Julia @ rainbeaubelle

    I’d love to read more, I don’t seem to make time as every spare moment I get I’m either blogging or asleep! Haha! I’ll be watching your recommendations though. Inspiring xx

    January 30, 2015 at 10:48 pm Reply
  • Notmyyearoff

    Well done! I so need to put my phone down more. I’m getting a lot lot better and now limit myself but I’m terrible at night for scrolling through my phone constantly. I need to start reading again I think!

    January 31, 2015 at 1:59 pm Reply
  • Laura @ Life with Baby Kicks

    Have the same issue with technology and not reading, problem is I’ve read everything I’ve got and don’t seem to have the motivation to pick something new. I need some good recommendations that aren’t too brain frying!

    February 2, 2015 at 5:42 am Reply
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