A Year In Books – May 2015

June 2, 2015


You can read more about the start of my A Year In Books here and my JanuaryFebruaryMarch and April reads.

A Year In Books - May


It has been a quiet month reading wise, I think I need a really fast paced, page turner to get me back into it but at the moment I’m struggling to pick anything up. As always there aren’t enough hours in the day and with half term we’ve been out and about more than usual. My husband has started reading the Harry Potter books again and I am so tempted to start those but I have read them all before, many times, so really would like to find something new.

So, onto the books I have read: this month I finished The Crane Wife which I loved! It is such a beautifully written book, it’s a little out there which I like but still an addictive read. The characters are really likable yet intriguing and as it is based on an old Japanese folk tale it has a touch of fantasy about it. I will definitely be looking out for more of his novels to read. I hadn’t heard of Patrick Ness before but I saw another reader enjoying his books through the #ayearinbooks2015 hashtag over on Instagram. This is just what I had hoped would happen when I started the whole thing in January. I love having a quick look around to see what others are reading and if something catches my eye I make a note of it. This Patrick Ness story popped up on daily deals for my Kindle so I took a chance and I’m so glad I did.

I’ve also started The Road Beneath My Feet by Frank Turner. I am a massive Frank Turner fan and this is basically his tour diaries. I enjoy it when I get going and it’s well written; I like that they are little anecdotes on gigs over the years, it is very interesting and a good one to just pick up and read a bit as you fancy it. Also, it has lots of lovely photos and who doesn’t love a book with pictures?

Moving forward I would love to get through a few more books in June; any recommendations for this month would be gratefully received. I’m thinking of reading To Kill A Mocking Bird again as the sequel comes out shortly, I’ve seen a lot of people taking part in the re-read which you can follow on social media with #TKAM. I think I’m a little late for it now but do want to read it again before the sequel is released, it’s such an incredible book so if you haven’t read it before now is the time! Keep posting your books over on Instagram, I love seeing the range of books on there and if you blog about any of them please let me know.

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1 Comment

  • SArah Christie

    I love your book posts Hayley, I ma reading the Girl on the Train at the moment, it is so intriguing x

    June 11, 2015 at 11:15 pm Reply
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