My Most Valued Possessions

July 10, 2015


Photobox 1

When I was asked to think about my most valued possessions so many things ran through my head. Obviously my family, I’m not quite sure they are a possession and I couldn’t really place a monetary value on them but my husband, my three boys – my little family means everything to me and they are definitely what I value most in this world.

I suppose everything else that I consider important relates to them as well. Number one would have to be photographs; my house is filled with photographs! I have most of our old family photographs from my childhood and a few of my mum from when she was younger, some are in albums and some are just loose in a box. I have photographs framed on the walls, our wedding albums, photo albums from our teen years – remember when you used to take disposable cameras everywhere with you!? Since we had Lucas I started to make a photobook for each year and we have three of those stacked up in our living room, not to mention the many, many digital photos stored on computers, hard drives and memory sticks.

Photographs mean so much to me; they are precious memories stored and I love to look though them. I have always thought that if we were ever in a fire they would be the material the things I would want to save as most are irreplaceable. Following on from that all my gadgets that I use to take photographs: cameras, phones and computers for storage. They are used nearly every single day and I love being able to just record little moments of our day whenever I feel like it. I hate not having my phone with me as it is the best camera to just catch a moment you won’t want to forget.

Something I would be absolutely heart broken to lose would be my engagement ring. I know technically it could be replaced but this one means so much to me it just wouldn’t be the same. I love it, it is perfect for me and I couldn’t imagine being without it. I have some other pieces of jewellery that are inexpensive but mean a lot to me, either because of where I bought them or who gave them to me. Most of it has been given by family and each item reminds me of someone.


I would hate to be without my books and kindle. We have quite a lot of books between us and while I do try to pass them on now there are some I just couldn’t bear to part with. A lot of my childhood books have inscriptions in them so they do have a great value to me.

Lastly, I have a box in our loft filled with diaries, letters, cards and a few other sentimental bits and pieces. I have my diaries from the age of 10 up to about 18, every now and again I have a read through them – if I can bear it. It is so embarrassing to see yourself as a teenager again. I also have letters that me and my husband wrote to each other when we first started dating and when we were away at university; parts of these are horribly embarrassing but most either make me laugh or cry. They are so beautifully romantic, something it is easy to forget over time.

I don’t own anything terribly expensive and everything of great value to me is because of the memories they hold. While some of them are irreplaceable others could be easy replaced with the right insurance. Legal & General have a handy Contents Insurance Calculator to help you make sure you have the right cover.

This post was written  in collaboration with Legal & General.


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  • Kerri-Ann

    Aww I love this post and completely agree with you. Photo’s for me. Sadly I lost my engagement ring just after having G and we hadn’t had time to update the insurance with it so sadly I have never replaced it. x

    July 10, 2015 at 12:57 pm Reply
    • hayleyfromhome

      Oh, that is such a shame! I hope you can replace it eventually with something even more special, I would be sad if I lost mine but at least it CAN be replaced, so many photographs can’t xx

      July 10, 2015 at 2:09 pm Reply
  • Tina

    I agree with you. My most valuable things are my photobooks of Lyla, photographs on my computer, and then definitelyyyy my books. I have a whole library full of books I’ve highlighted and written in the margins. These things don’t cost a lot of money but they’re my valuables!

    July 10, 2015 at 2:01 pm Reply
    • hayleyfromhome

      I love that you have books with things written in, I always think they are so much more personal then. If I pick up second hand books with things like that I love it, there is someones history in them!

      July 10, 2015 at 2:10 pm Reply
  • Donna

    Oh I love this post. I have things like this that I treasure too and a box in the loft. Photos are high on my list, and a Thomas Sabo bracelet that has charms from the whole of mine and Hubby’s relationship. There are so many things I would hate to lose x

    July 10, 2015 at 9:30 pm Reply
  • Julia @ Raiinbeaubelle

    I love my photos too and would hate to lose them. It is so easy these days to take photos but not so easy to print them out! Or remember to… x

    July 13, 2015 at 12:04 pm Reply
  • Sarah christie

    Hayley I completely agree with you, mine after family and Toby would be photographs, everything else could be replaced but photos and the boys first memory box are priceless, such a lovely post x

    July 15, 2015 at 1:23 pm Reply
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