Living Arrows {33/52}

August 17, 2015


Living Arrows 33


After a hectic start to the summer holidays this last week we have taken it easy and had plenty of days in the garden and walks up to our local park. We’ll still get a few more days out in before we go back but it’s been nice to get up and take our time over breakfast, the boys have got dressed and been the in the garden pretty much all day and we can potter around or sit outside and watch them tire each other out. After a few days out I am always ready for a day at home, then after a few days at home we are recharged ready for a good day out.

On Wednesday we had a BBQ with the boys’ cousins; our garden was full of all kinds of toys, the sun was shining and they all had so much fun together. So much fun in fact that the twins refused to nap as they didn’t want to miss out! It is so nice that we can just go with the flow in the holidays and if they don’t nap we can all cope, it also means an earlier bedtime which is something to be enjoyed.

This week’s Living Arrows photo is one of Bear; we had five boys under five in our garden for the BBQ which was crazy but I love that they all play together then go their separate ways and quietly play on their own. I thought everyone was chasing after bubbles but I turned round to see this little one sat in the sandpit quietly filling pots with sand. He has the sweetest temperament, so laid back and thoughtful and while he loves to play with others sometimes he will happily get lost in his own games. He’s a lot like Lucas but without the temper! This holiday I feel like I’ve really had the time to watch them all and see how they interact and I’m understanding all their differences more and more. If I can’t see the twins front on I can still usually tell who is who from their actions. When I saw him sat on his own in the sandpit, quite cheerful and focused on his game I knew before he looked up it would be Bear. My heart melts as I sit and watch him play and I realise I don’t need anything more than this.

Living Arrows
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  • mummyofboygirltwins

    So cute. I can’t believe how fast the holidays are flying by now. We have also had some busy days out and some time just at home too. lovely photograph of him, so, so sweet 🙂 Jess xx

    August 17, 2015 at 7:38 pm Reply
  • Kerri-Ann

    Gorgeous boy, Lil G sounds very similar to him #livingarrows x

    August 17, 2015 at 9:05 pm Reply
  • notmyyearoff

    Aww he is completely adorable and sounds like he has the sweetest personality. I guess he will become your calm and cool one? :). We love a day to potter about at home. I sometimes forget to do that as I always feel we should have a “plan” for that day.

    August 17, 2015 at 10:12 pm Reply
  • You Baby Me Mummy

    He looks so like you in this shot! Such a cutie pie xx

    August 17, 2015 at 11:12 pm Reply
  • Emma T

    Aw, gorgeous pic. He does look so much like you too. #livingarrows

    August 18, 2015 at 12:06 am Reply
  • Jenna

    It’s so lovely when kids just play with each other nicely. 🙂

    The is a gorgeous shot of Bear, he looks very content. #LivingArrows xx

    August 18, 2015 at 3:52 pm Reply
  • Tina

    His little face looks so much more mature and distinguished here!

    August 18, 2015 at 8:20 pm Reply
  • Jennifer

    His shirt says it all about him. Lovely!

    August 18, 2015 at 10:38 pm Reply
  • Donna

    Bear sounds just like Little Man – one minute charging off with the others, trying to keep up with the bigger kids and forgetting he isn’t actually that big and the next he’ll be by himself in his own little world. Bear looks so sweet! x

    August 19, 2015 at 10:39 pm Reply
  • Amber

    Bear looks SO like you in this picture, Hayley! Your nose, your eyes. You do make such gorgeous children.

    August 22, 2015 at 9:17 pm Reply
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